Zoo licensing Act Inspections
Our MD led the major review of the Secretary of States Standards of Modern Zoo Practice carried out in 1999/2000 and which still drive the Zoo Licensing Act (ZLA). He has carried out many inspections as both Secretary of States Nominated Inspector or as the inspector nominated by the Local Authority. His high level of credibility and professionalism has been extremely important in some more troubled inspections.
Many local authorities choose to use a veterinary surgeon from the Secretary of States list as their inspector rather than their usual local riding schools/kennels veterinary inspector. This gives them continuity of experience between inspections.
Peter has also carried out many inspections for licensing under the Dangerous WIld Animals Act (DWA 1976).
Work carried out:
- Zoo Licensing Act (ZLA) inspections
- Dangerous Wild Animal inspections
- pet shop, breeding of dogs and other expert reports
- welfare inspections