Our Managing Director is Dr.Peter Scott MSc.BVSc.FRCVS and RCVS Specialist in Fish Health & Production and RCVS Specialist in Zoo & Wildlife Medicine
Peter graduated at Liverpool University in 1976 and initially looked at fish as a route to working with exotic species. He went on to Stirling University to obtain his MSc in Aquatic Veterinary Science and was lucky enough to be sent to Kenya to set up a field laboratory on a tilapia unit and whilst there to look at fish in a few wild sites. Since then Peter worked in international zoo consultancy for a few years before settling down in Hampshire working primarily with trout farmers, a few high quality carp producers and public aquaria.
Peter was President of the British Veterinary Zoological Society after having held most of the posts on council over 20 years involvement with the society, During his Presidency he drove through the RCVS Certificate and Diploma scheme in Zoological Medicine, and subsequently acted an examiner in 6 years. He received his own RCVS Specialist recognition in 1991 in both Zoo Medicine and Fish Health & Production - the link being his work with public aquaria for over 30 years now! Peter is still involved as Chair of the RCVS Zoo Medicine Board, and a member of the Fellowship committee - he obtained his FRCVS in 1997, in Parrot Medicine & Surgery. He was made an Honorary Member of the BVZS in 2014.
Peters interests in exotic species have been very important to him, and he provided a second opinion referral service for exotic species for many years as well as working with his own parrot, reptile and fish clients. Although this aspect of the practice has now been reduced he continues in providing veterinary advice to Pets at Home, and his own specialist animal health company Vetark Professional. Peter is also a DEFRA appointed ‘Secretary of States Inspector’ under the Zoo Licensing Act and he carries out regular zoo inspections from Cornwall to North Yorkshire, plus Dangerous Wild Animals Act and dog breeding and boarding inspections for local authorities. Peter led the team which reviewed the UK zoo standards in 2000, and was a member of the Dimmock review which looked at Avian quarantine in the light of Avian Influenza.
Over the years Peter has also worked with many performing animals in film and television - he was responsible for the day-to-day care and welfare of the animals in Link, Fierce Creatures, 101 Dalmatians and 102 Dalmatians, Fly Boys and overseeing the veterinary care of the Harry Potter owls and countless TV ads.
Peter has also been very active in animal welfare - work with PAWSI on performing animals, Companion Animal Welfare Council (CAWC) as a council member, and in recent years with the DEFRA England Implementation Group where he was responsible for developing the animal health & welfare strategy in companion animals. Peter is the current President of the Fish Veterinary Society.
Peter considers himself a veterinary odd job man, we prefer the term veterinary facilitator - he makes things possible.